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195ȸ Ͽ콺 ܼƮ | Ulli Boegershausen(Guitar)

195ȸ Ͽ콺ܼƮ

Ͻ: 2008 7 16 8
⿬: Ulli Boegershausen(Guitar)

- Overture
- Percussive Groove
- Time after Time: Cindy Lauper
- Kiss from a Rose: Seal
- Right Here Waiting:  Richard Marx  
- Waltz
- Gegen die Zeit                                
- Tango
- Walking Around
- It could have been(Es Waere Schoen gewesen)    

== Intermission ==
- Secret Story (Guest )              
- Voyage with Ulli (Guest ) : Sung-ha Jung        
- Hit the Road Jack (duet) : Percy Mayfield                                              
- Ombrellino
- Pass the Buck : Laurence Juber      
- Pensive
- Steam  
- No Rest in Tainan                                                          
- You are the Sunshine of My Life : Stevie Wonder        
- Ich Weiss Nicht, woran ich bin          
- Morgen ist alles wieder gut                
- Ein Anflung von Sehnsucht                
- Dear Mr. President                          
- A Distant Land : Pink  
- Manha De Carnaval                          

ݰ: Twist in My Sobriety



۷ ǰ ּ. Ͽ콺ܼƮ ̲ ū ̵˴ϴ. (α ̿밡մϴ)